8:00AM-9:15AM | Opening Session
Dr. Emily Young, Executive Director, The Nonprofit Institute
Dr. Lyn Corbett, Director of Governance and Community Programs, The Nonprofit Institute
9:15AM-10:00AM | Keynote - Four Principles of Purpose-Driven Board Leadership
Anne Wallestad, President and CEO, BoardSource
10:00AM-10:05AM | Housekeeping
10:05AM-10:15AM | Break
10:15AM-11:15AM | Breakout I - 5 Shifts: How Funders Can Become More Effective Community Partners
Alexa Cortés Culwell, Co-Founder and CEO of Open Impact
John Mathew Sobrato, Trustee of Sobrato Philanthropies
Irene Wong, Director of Local Grantmaking for The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
11:15AM-11:35AM | Kaleidoscope Award Ceremony
11:35AM-11:45AM | Lunch Break
11:45AM-12:45PM | Breakout II - The Afghan Evacuee Crisis: Dealing with Immediacy and Uncertainty
Kevin Ouellette, Graduate Research Assistant, The Nonprofit Institute
Malia Pfister, Government and Community Relations Liaison, The Nonprofit Institute
Mumtaz Momand, Deputy Director Afghan Community Cultural Center
Etleva Bejko, Director of Refugee & Immigration Services, Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Donna Duvin, Executive Director, International Rescue Committee IRC
Additional Information / How to Help:
12:45PM-12:55PM | Break
12:55PM-1:55PM | Breakout III - Changes Underway in Organized Philanthropy: What Boards Need to Know
Stephen Chin, Chair of Nonprofit Institute Advisory Board and Manager Marketing and Communications at Sharp Health Plan
Chris Sichel, President and CEO, The Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
Kathy Patoff, Chief Operating Officer MUFG Union Bank Foundation
Laura F. Rodriguez, Program Officer, Oceans Builders Initiative
Marisa Aurora Quiroz, President and CEO, International Community Foundation
1:55PM-2:00PM | Closing Remarks
Dr. Lyn Corbett, Director of Governance and Community Programs, The Nonprofit Institute